May 22, 2016 2:43 pm
Published by Stödkommittén FreeDawit
"I chose ‘the 3 most censorships countries in the world’ as my topic. I made a poster about Shin Dong-Hyuk, and a second about Raif Badawi and for my last poster I wanted to make it about Dawit Isaak."
April 12, 2016 10:37 am
Published by Stödkommittén FreeDawit
It was the first ever English PEN Modern Literature Festival and there they highlighted Dawit Isaak among the 30 chosen writers at risk around the world. Watch the video posted from the event.
April 7, 2016 6:21 am
Published by Stödkommittén FreeDawit
Björn Tunbäck, styrelseledamot i Reportrar utan Gränser skriver i GP och kritiserar Isabella Lövin (MP) för att hon inte lyfte
March 15, 2016 10:33 am
Published by Stödkommittén FreeDawit
I gårdagens Göteborgsposten skriver Björn Tunbäck, journalist & styrelseledamot i Reportrar Utan Gränser, en debattartikel med anledning av att om två veckor kommer en ny FN-rapport om läget för mänskliga rättigheter i Eritrea.
March 7, 2016 4:40 pm
Published by Stödkommittén FreeDawit
Har du hört Mefics låt 'Dawit Isaak'? Den är några år gammal men kanske har du inte hört den än...
March 3, 2016 1:26 pm
Published by Stödkommittén FreeDawit
On the 2nd of April 2016 at the Rich Mix Arts Centre in London 'The English PEN Modern Literature Festival' will be held for the first time and Dawit Isaak will be included there.
November 22, 2015 12:15 pm
Published by Stödkommittén FreeDawit
Vi behöver 1000 underskrifter - hjälp oss sprida protestbrevet! Protestlistan kommer sedan att överlämnas till Eritreas ambassad i Bryssel.
November 18, 2015 4:03 pm
Published by Stödkommittén FreeDawit
On the 15 th of November was the annual Day of The Imprisoned Writer (15th of November) and at BOZAR - Centre of Fine Arts there was a marathon reading with poets, writers from Belgium plus a number of writers in exile residing in Belgium read texts to raise attention to that special day and in honor of Dawit Isaak.
November 16, 2015 9:41 am
Published by Stödkommittén FreeDawit
Manifestationen #sittmedDawit är uppställd på konstcentret BOZAR. Idag skriver bla Cecilia Wikström, Kerry Kennedy och Leif Öbrink (ordförande Stödföreningen Free Dawit Isaak om att motkraven på Eritrea måste bli starkare.
November 9, 2015 1:33 pm
Published by Stödkommittén FreeDawit
On the upcoming Sunday the installation "Sit with Dawit" will be in Brussels at BOZAR - Centre For Fine Arts. The manifestation for Dawit Isaak and all other imprisoned writers & journalists will start on November 15th (which is the 'International Day of The Imprisoned Writer') and ends on November 22nd.